Let me start by saying that this book is not your typical Mystery/Thriller novel. There are several things that set it apart from the run of the mill book in that genre. The first one being that all you need to do is read the published synopsis, or the first few pages of the book and you know that the main character, Lucas, put out a hit on his wife and had her killed. That is not the mystery. We also know right up front why Lucas had her killed. The mystery part comes in when someone starts sending him things in the "I know what you did last summer" kind of vein. The other thing that set this book apart for me is that Lucas is a totally unlikeable character with no redeeming qualities that I could find. This is not just my opinion, but a plot point stated by the author. Lucas is, as he would say, " a total arse" and you are not supposed to like him. I get that, and it works on some level, but unfortunately for me, his character was so over the top that I found him off putting and it actually hampered my enjoyment of what would otherwise have been a well crafted story. And the story was well crafted with a twist at the end that was really good and made the book worth the time to read it for the most part, but I just couldn't get past Lucas' personality enough to REALLY enjoy the book. I'm sure there are a lot of readers who would not be bothered by, and probably even enjoy Lucas as a character given how the book flows. As for me, I would like to thank Mira books for giving me a chance to read this book through Netgalley. My recommendation to other readers would be to give the book a try and see if the story wins out for you.